JSAfinance.com, a division of J.S.Ajinkya Trading and Financial Services Pvt Ltd., is a front ranking financial services company located in Mumbai India and offering
Financial Services ranging from Corporate Finance to Personal Loans,
Accounts Auditing to Taxation, Financial Planning to Financial Management, Corporate Restructuring to Project Finance, Merger to Acquisition, and other many more financial services.
JSAfinance.com is helping people achieves financial independence and build more satisfying lives. The cornerstone of our approach is our CLIENT. For us, each of our clients is unique and so are their financial requirements. Our core group consists of a highly qualified and experienced team of Engineers,
Chartered Accountants, MBAs,
Estate Brokers, Company Secretary who have specialized knowledge in their respective fields, with abundant experience. This team is responsible for discussing with clients, understanding their requirements, planning and coordinating the work schedule. They strictly monitor the progress for each assignment to ensure that targets are met. Wherever essential, services of specialists are called for.